I made myself some kind of spread sheet to do some calculations for our enchantments in comparison to Berserking.
Now I want to show you some rotations with 2 cycles using 0/32/39 without any enchantments, with Cinderglacier, and with Berserking.
Bacis for my calculations:AP unbuffed: 3000
AP with Berserking: 3400
Including Impurity
Mainhand: Angry Dread(391.5 weapondmg, 156.6 dps at 2.5 speed)
Offhand: Split Greathammer(250.5 weapondmg, 156.6 dps at 1.6 speed)
10 sec per cycle
=> 4 swings with Mainhand, 6 swings with Offhand
Talentbuild: 0/32/39
Icy Touch @ 440 dmg- without any enchantment: 1515.09
- with Razorice: 1590.84
- with Cinderglacier: 1818.10
- with Berserking: 1608.04
Howling Blast @ 540 dmg- without any enchantment: 1308.45
- with Razorice: 1373.87
- with Cinderglacier: 1570.14
- with Berserking: 1379.95
DeathCoil @ 443 dmg- without any enchantment: 1005.5
- with Cinderglacier: 1206.6
- with Berserking: 1080.5
Cycle 1 - no Berserking, no other enchantment proc
PS-IT-BS-BS-DC-HB5216.99 Spelldmg + 5489.11 Swingdmg
=> 10706.09 dmg
Cycle 2 - no Berserking, no other enchantment proc
PS-IT-IT-DC-IT-IT7296.29 Spelldmg + 5489.11 Swingdmg
=>12785.4 dmg
plus optional HB when Rime procs => 14093.85 dmg
Cycle 1 - with Berserking
PS-IT-BS-BS-DC-HB5456.44 Spelldmg + 5911.97 Swingdmg
=> 11368.4 dmg
Cycle 2 - with Berserking
PS-IT-IT-DC-IT-IT7743.09 Spelldmg + 5911.97 Swingdmg
=> 13655.06 dmg
plus optional HB when Rime procs => 15035.01 dmg
Cycle 1 - with Cinderglacier (used up for IT and DC)
PS-IT-BS-BS-DC-HB5721.1 Spelldmg + 5489.11 Swingdmg
=> 11210.21 dmg
Cycle 2 - with Cinderglacier (used up for 2x IT)
PS-IT-IT-DC-IT-IT7902.32 Spelldmg + 5489.11 Swingdmg
=> 13391.43 dmg
plus optional HB when Rime procs => 14699.88 dmg
Conclusion:One cycle with Berserking is way better than a cycle without anything.
One cycle with Berserking is slightly better than a cycle with Cinderglacier.
This seems to be because of the much higher swingdmg when doing a cycle with Berserking.
I did not do another calculation for using Razorice because as you can see when looking over the spells, Razorice is always below Berserking and not counting for DC, or f.e. UB, Gargoyle, Ghoul... so you will lose more DPS when using Razorice.
More calculations for 0/44/27 and 0/20/51 are on the way, and also for the Gargoyle... as soon as I find out what the basedmg is and how it is scaling with AP, same for the Ghoule. Anyone can tell me that?