
Northend + Triplespecc

Today I reached lvl 70 and got to Northend, finally some new stuff to do there and also time to start using my Triplespecc. So currently I start testing with the following build:


The rotation I now use for this special build is very simple:

Icy Touch - PlagueStrike - BloodStrike - Obliterate - BloodStrike - Death Coil

You can build up to 4 Death Runes, and after regenerating all of them you could pull off:

IT - PS - OB - BS - BS - OB - DC

That means you can get two Obliterates in one rotation, resulting in more damage. And you keep those Death Runes because of using OB (thx to Death Rune Mastery), so you can vary your rotation to 3 or 4 BS in a row for example.

The only thing about such a Trispecc is that it is extremely related to your equipment. And starting in Northend with a fresh 70 DK is not the easiest way to play it, but it is starting to work better as you are increasing in +hit and +expertise.

The Trispecc is meant to get every synergy for physical damage that is possible, boosting strength and the overall damage of the Strikes you are using. This means that more +hit and +expertise relates in more Damage at the mob, which can be boosted by stacking +crit and +str and also +haste at last.

Also, the faster you hit, the more often you trigger Necrosis and Blood-Caked-Blades, delivering some kind of a second and a third hit at once.

And stay tuned, I am doing a short rotation movie for you out there showing a comparison between 2 builds at level 70 with DW!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey hab mal eine frage

wie sieht dein Trispecc bzw. deine Frostskillung mit level 80 aus ?
Hast ja nur immer bis level 70 gezeigt.
Intressiert mich halt wie die skillungen am ende aussehen sollen.

Übrigens schöne Seite ;)

Likeapwner@t-online.de ist meine email adresse da drüber kannste mir ja antworten oder schreibst es direkt auf deine Seite.

I will be back

LG Rhogmar