Time used: 5 min / try
Equip: See armory for details, slow MH, fast OH
Test 1
0/32/39 with Blood Presence activ
Selfbuffed: +40 hit (food) +50 str (potion)
Output: 2600 to 2700 dps infight
After finishing diseases kept ticking, recount dropped to 2549 dps

The DPS infight are completely OK and kinda usual for this very strong build. I am very satisfied, with a bit more equip and playing in a 25 man raid, this can go up to over 4000 dps infight.
Test 2
0/44/27 with Blood Presence activ
Selfbuffed: +40 hit (food) +50 str (potion)
Output: 2600 to 2700 dps infight
After finishing diseases kept ticking, recount dropped to 2560 dps

What a surprise, no big difference. The only things that I could notice were the bigger crits for IT and HB because of GoG. FrostStrike was critting for about 3000, which was a bit higher than DC. Interesting is that I did 60,000 lesser damage in this try, maybe this was because of the missing desecration and BS which push the dmg for 7%.
And then I tried something fun... I switched to Unholy Presence while using the 0/32/39 just to see what will happen... and my DPS was increasing up to 3000 infight. I was surprised, I even forgot to do a screenshot of the recount. Damn it.
I may try it in raid, using Unholy Presence... it seems that pushing attackspeed even further is resulting in much more white damage, crits and killing machine, even when loosing the 15% dmg bonus. Also the shortened global cooldown seems to help, even if you have some seconds where you do nothing but hitting with normal weapon swings because every rune is on cd.