Basic rotation:
IT - PS - HB - BS - BS - DC
PS - IT - IT - DC - HB - DC
Pushing the magical damage to a higher level with this build, including more Icy Touch because of the Death Runes. I need to stack more Hit and Crit to get Killing Machine going, and I also think of using two fast weapons for more hits and more crits.
At the end of the raid recount was the following:

Hello Edurol
what glyphs are you using for that 0/32/39 spec ?
Nice interesting blog to read. Keep it up.
Mfg Gorshade
WOW i am so suprised at the amount of DPS your doing, DW FTW!
love the blog, thanks.
You wouldnt by any chance have recorded that fight with that spec. i would love to see it in action.
Whrere does that 66% CRIT on Howling Blast comes from!? O_O
It's just Killing Machine!?!?
Glyphs I use:
Death Strike
Death & Decay
and some smaller ones I don't have in mind now... ;-)
I may record a new movie when we do another raid this weekend...
And @Longshot yes, this is only because of Killing Machine. I am able to reach over 70% with some luck, and the better the gear will get, the more Killing Machine will Proc :)
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