
Berserking Theorycrafting

My Offhand is no longer having a Rune Enchantment. I got myself Berserking after I did some first calculations which I want to share with you:

Calculating Icy Touch - AP Coefficient is 0.1 - IT Tooltip Dmg 430-448
Lets take a app. dmg of 440 when used and do the calculation with 3000 AP.

440 + (3000*0.1) = 740 dmg
+ imp. Icy Touch 30% = 222
+ Glacier Rot 10% = 74
+ Black Ice 30% = 222

= 1258 dmg

Now lets calculate it with active Berserking:

440 + (3400*0.1) = 780 dmg
+ imp. Icy Touch 30% = 234
+ Glacier Rot 10% = 78
+ Black Ice 30% = 234

= 1326 dmg

And now instead of Berserking lets do it with full Razorice on Mob:

1258 dmg +5% from Razorice = 62,9

= 1320.9 dmg

Berserking is leading with ~6 more dmg only for IT in this scenario. If not having Razorice on it, Berserking leads with 68 more dmg per IT.

And now lets go further on, calculating the swingdamage, using my weapons:

MH: Angry Dread: 156.6 DPS having 2.5 speed (Weapondmg = 391.5)
OH: Avools Sword of Jin: 143.3 DPS having 1.5 speed (Weapondmg = 215)


MH: (Weapon DPS + AP/14) * Weapon Speed
OH: [(Weapon DPS + AP/14) * Weapon Speed]/2

MH: (156.6 + 3000/14) *2.5 = 927.21 dmg per swing
OH: [(143.3 + 3000/14) * 1.5] / 2 = 268.19 dmg per swing

Taking a normal rotation of about 10 sec you have ~4 swings with your MH and ~6 swings with your OH. So this equals:

Mainhand 927.21 * 4 = 3708.84 dmg
Offhand 268.19 * 6 = 1609.14 dmg

= 5317.98 dmg in 10 sec

With Berserking and 400 additional AP you can put it like that after calculating the dmg per swing:

Mainhand 998.64 * 4 = 3994.56 dmg
Offhand 289.62 * 6 = 1737.72 dmg

= 5732.28 dmg in 10 sec

That is about 414 more dmg than without Berserking, just in 10 seconds doing a normal rotation, not counting Crits or Misses. I also did not count Impurity in that one, I will do that later when calculating some more and when I can show you some maths of different rotations using Berserking or Razorice / Cinderglacier.


Anonymous said...

You seem to be pretty amazed by Berserking. But just a question, did you consider choosing Fallen Crusader for your offhand? Proc gives you 30% strength. If you have 1000 STR, which is still not much for a raidbuffed DK, Crusader proc grants you 600 AP - 150% of the Berserking AP.
I'm currently playing with fast/fast and 2 times Crusader, which i experienced myself as doing more damage than cru/razor or cinder/razor.
That's just a thoght though, don't exactly know proc chance of Berserking an Crusader.

By the way: thanks for the useful and interesting Blog, you did nice work here! =)


Anonymous said...

Problem with using Crusader on OH and MH, is that they do not stack. The proc will just overwrite the other.

In the case of Crusader and Zerker, if they both proc you just gained 1k+ AP.

Anonymous said...

plz test it with Rune of Cinderglacier.

Razorice (has a chance to increase Frost vulnerability) doesnt stack with coe.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

Problem with using Crusader on OH and MH, is that they do not stack. The proc will just overwrite the other.

In the case of Crusader and Zerker, if they both proc you just gained 1k+ AP."

That may be true, but in fact, during a 5 min fight, how often do you have both proccs up? While dual crusader may not stack, it has a high uptime, and the crusader proc of your offhand will grant you much more extra dmg than berserking,
__if your mh crusader is not proccing at the same time__.

From my experience, it does not occur very often, that a second crusader proc overwrites the existing one.


Edurol said...

It seems that Crusader has some kind of internal CD or something like that, if you have it on 2 weapons it won't proc more often. That has been tested before.

It won't bring you more DPS, that is why every DK is using 2 different enchantments.

Anonymous said...

Guten Morgen!

Also Berserker liest sich echt gut als Ersatz für crusader - einfach mal weil DAUERHAFT drauf ist und nicht so procc-abhängig wie crusader.

Ich hab da mal ne generelle Frage:
kann mir mal irgendwer die mechanik hinter Impurity/Unreinheit genau erklären?? So komm ich vielleicht mal drauf, ab wann das effektiver wird/werden könnte als Tundrastalker.

MfG Neke

Edurol said...

Nicht statt Crusader, sondern als DW noch zusätzlich auf die Offhand dazu, somit hast du 2 Verzauberungen die deine AP erhöhen können.

Impurity funktioniert so, in dem es den AP Koeffizienten um 25% erhöht, sprich wenn etwas um 0,1 von AP profitiert ist es mit Impurity 0,125 werde das aber noch genauer ausformulieren.

Anonymous said...

danke erstmal soweit:
ich hab jetzt ca. ne halbe stunde lang der puppe in acherus das stroh aus der mütze geprügelt:

hab ich thundrastalker geskilled, hab ich (gefühlt) höhere crits(2k dps), hab mal impurity + ghul (wie kann man mit 2k stärke nur so wenig schaden machen.. .)geskilled, und lande bei 2.1k dps... wobei ich mir sicher bin, das die 100 dps vom ghul kommen.
echt lächerlich für etwas das ständig stirb in raids..

ach ja: was mir noch aufgefallen ist gestern im raid: der gargoyle profitiert anscheinend NICHT mehr von Heldentum/Heroism!!
damit scheint der wirklich absolut jede daseinsbereichtigung verloren zu haben.

MfG Royo

Anonymous said...

Hey wie sieht es denn momentan mit 0/44/27 aus?
hab da iwi um die 200 dps mehr mit ner langsamen main. meinst da lohnt sich berserk auch auf die off? weil da hast ja noch froststrike der auf Razorice anspricht

Anonymous said...

Soweit ich das weiss hat Crusader einen internen CD aber dieser gilt für jede Waffe einzeln. Hab vor dem Patch auch eine kurze Zeit 0/32/39 gespielt mit dual Crusader und da kamen die Procs machmal in 5 sek Abständen (main und dann off oder umgekehrt) und dann war erstmal ruhe im Karton (30-40sek)