
Bossdummy Testing

I managed to get a bossdummy for me alone this morning with 100% HP and a bit of time to test some variations, using 0/32/39 as always.

Test 1:
Slow Mainhand with Crusader
Fast Offhand with Berserking
Selfbuffed HoW, BS and Ghoul active
Blood Presence
5 mins

DPS: ~2430

Test 2:
Fast Mainhand w Crusader
Fast Offhand w Berserking
Selfbuffed HoW, BS and Ghoul active
Blood Presence
5 mins

DPS: ~2540

Test 3 - Just 4 Fun:
Slow Mainhand w Crusader
Slow Offhand w Cinderglacier
Selfbuffed HoW, BS and Ghoul active
Unholy Presence
5 mins

DPS: ~2430

The KM nerf is really visible, IT and HB mostly not over 50% crit, sometimes only 30% or 40% crit. Also the unvisible CD on HB is really irritating and therefore I was not able to do an exact rotation.

I am now thinking of testing 0/20/51 in a raid-situation tomorrow...


Alexey/Ravell said...

Hello Dude! Nice blog btw!

What about you do a new test using Fast/Fast and UH presence?

Thank you,
Warsong - US

Alexey/Ravell said...

One more: don't forget to show us ur tests using 20/41 without HB! :)

Ty again,
Warsong - US

Anonymous said...


Erstmal Danke das du dir so Mühe machst und das auch noch alles publik machst.

bei deiner 32/39 Skillung fährst du ja -

Sprich 4 IT, 2 HB pro Rota. Nun habe ich mal deinen Screenshot von Test 2 angeguckt und du hast 36x HB und 35x IT. Wie kommst du auf soviel HB?

Anonymous said...


würde mich freuen wen du die Frage aus Post 3 beantworten könntest. Besten Dank

PS: benutzt du beim Rune Dumping 1 oder 2 DCs ?
