
Howling Blast Statement

New bluepost about HowlingBlast:

"Howling Blast was designed for AE dps, for which it was doing too much damage without a cooldown. We totally understand the concern about having a cooldown being awkward to work along with rune cooldowns, which is why we removed it. But that change made the spell too powerful, as we feared.

We will continue to iterate on the design and the ultimate goal is to remove the cooldown. There are some ways we can reign in the damage (such as a smaller AE cap or the damage falling off after the initial target) that will take some more time and testing to implement.

The DK is a new class, and while it is working well overall, you can expect to see some iteration on it compared to the classes that have been tested and upon which players have experimented for four years"

If somebody would be able to do 2 HBs (maybe critical) in a row without getting instant aggro... I would understand the additional Cooldown. But you cannot really do that. Just one critical HB when AoEing gives you a higher threat which can result in badass damage for you.

How the hell are those devs at Blizzard testing...

My suggestion - implement a deep frost talent or change a deep frost talent, so it reduces the CD of HB for x seconds. Or just make using HB give you a debuff that decreases the dmg of the next HB by xy% when used in the next x seconds...

What do u think??


Anonymous said...

Ich frag mich auch wie Blizz testet .... DW DK bekommt ja so n krassen Nerf weil man damit angeblich 7k DPS erreicht. Denke die haben da bei Sartharion gemessen,wo einfach ma 5-10 Flammen mit bei stehn können....also jeder der AE bombt bekommt da krasse DPS zusammen. Single Target DPS sind bei DW DK sowieso schlechter als bei 2h ..und mit dem gargoyle nerf jetzt noch schlechter.

Ich finds auch süß wie sie vor 1 woche oder so noch gesagt haben dass sies okay finden wenn DW n bissl besser is als 2h, und es jetzt total totgenerft wird.

blizz halt

Anonymous said...

Hey buddy I got a question, How you make your WoW window a "normal" window? I mean with the Minimize,Maximize and close button for fast Alt tabbing? Sice I saw it on your donwloaded interface I want to make it :P

Edurol said...

That is in the graphic options... Window ^^

Anonymous said...

My suggestion - implement a deep frost talent or change a deep frost talent, so it reduces the CD of HB for x seconds. Or just make using HB give you a debuff that decreases the dmg of the next HB by xy% when used in the next x seconds...

Glyph of HB - removes AE component from Howling blast and reduces its cooldown to zero.

Anonymous said...

Hey mate, i am having problems with ur UI...it just drops all buttons and frames to the center of screen.

Allso it says "Skin can not be found in SkinMe dir"

Can you please re-upload it or something?

would be really great


Anonymous said...

ABer wenn Km lang nicht mehr so häufig Procct wie jetzt.... dann is dir der HB Cooldown auch egal ... Ich zumindest nutze HB nur mit KM. Und da KM so generft wurde ... wird schwer sich drann zu gewöhnen :(

Anonymous said...

^^ ist aber garnicht mal clever - ich würde HB immer nutzen wenn's ready ist - grund: ist ja nicht so das du 0% crit hast: sprich auch ohne killing machine kanns ja durchaus kritten